A Letter To Dabjebrosato – a book for everyone.

In searching for whether we can find meaning in our life, the first answer we need to know is who are we? Are we ‘Intelligent Animals’ coming into being via the Theory of Evolution or ‘Created Human Beings’ created by God as set out in the Holy Bible?

The answer we choose is critical. For if we are only Intelligent Animals, evolving from nothing, living in a World and Universe with no purpose, then we can only expect our lives to have no meaning or purpose and when we die, it will end in nothing. A very depressing answer do you not agree?


Whereas if we are ‘Created Human Beings’ created with an earthly body and an immortal soul, created by a Supreme Being, who is alive, who loves us and wants to communicate with us and be with us to guide and assist us in every situation good or bad. This is an answer that is very comforting as well as exciting and needs to be thoroughly researched and you can do this if you join me as with my adult grandchildren, we look in depth at these important questions in the book A LETTER TO DABJEBROSATO.


 Parents and grandparents there is nothing better that you can do than teach your children and grandchildren about how to get the best out of this life and better understand death, so that they are prepared and not get led astray into making life affecting mistakes.

Barna a USA research company surveyed what happened to the Christian faith of young people who had grown up in the Church and then went off to Tertiary Education. Barna’s research found that 64% of the young people had lost their faith by the time they had finished their Tertiary Education.


I believe this loss of faith happened because the young people had not been equipped to  refute the Theory of Evolution. While at the same time they were not given the information they needed to be grounded in their faith. And very importantly come to understand that they are Created Human Beings with a Creator Father and the benefits and responsibilities that come from that.


These findings led me to write a book to my adult grandchildren, titled A Letter To Dabjebrosato.

 While I have written the book for my grandchildren, what I discuss with them affects, everyone in the World, irrespective of race, sex or religion, anyone is invited to read along with us and join in the discussion, I would be very pleased for them to do so.

To begin with we research two main opposing worldviews as to how the Universe, the World and us came into being and which one is the truth and which one is not.

First, we look at the Atheist worldview based on the Theory of Evolution, that we are just Intelligent Animals. Evolving from nothing, living with no meaning or purpose, in a Universe and World with no meaning and purpose and when we die, returning to nothing?” In our research we asked the questions: Is it mathematically possible? Does it pass the Irreducible Complexity Test? And could the spark of life have happened spontaneously?

Then we look at the Christian Worldview as portrayed in the Holy Bible, which is that we are Created Human Beings. With an earthly body and an immortal soul, created by a supreme being, born into a Universe and World with a meaning and purpose. And when we die, while the earthly body shell remains, the immortal soul moves to a different dimension where it may face judgement as to how we have lived, depending on the choices we have made” We asked the same three questions as above.

We came to the conclusion that Mr Charles Darwin made a HUGE mistake! That there is a Creator God.

We then searched for who this Creator God might be and what evidence there is to support His existence. We chose the Christian God and looked at these topics: A. The Bible is the Basis of Christianity – Is it archaeologically, and historically accurate and reliable? B. Is Jesus an actual historical figure, who lived in the Middle East 2000 years ago? C. Was Jesus actually killed by being crucified (nailed) to a cross? D. Did Jesus come alive again, after his body was placed in a burial chamber and was he seen (physically) by five hundred people afterwards? D. What are the characteristics of the Christian God and Jesus? E. Why did Jesus crucifixion, became the greatest gift ever? F. What does all this, mean for us today?

The answers we found gave us hope, peace and security as we look to the future.

I invite you to buy a paperback or eBook copy of A Letter To Dabjebrosato and go over our research to confirm whether or not we have reached the correct conclusion. For those searching for purpose and meaning in your life, I believe what you will find will enable you to find hope, love, peace and security, that you will never have experienced before. Parents and grandparents there is no better gift that you can give to your loved ones, than a book that enables you to discuss the meaning of life with them. Kind regards, J A Moore.

Buy it now paperback or eBook! A LETTER TO DABJEBROSATO https://www.amazon.com.au/Letter-Dabjebrosato-Intelligent-Question-Security/dp/0228851580/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=A+Letter+To+Dabjebrosato&qid=1636088802&sr=8-1

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